Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 67

I get a call today from the school nurse that there
is fluid pouring out of Jayden's ear..1 hour 15 minutes later,
at an overly crowded Dr's office, I'm told he just
has a lot of wax build up.  Maybe this is why he seems
to never be listening...maybe he really can't hear me and 
it's not that he's tuning me out!  I'll take WAX over the
guesstimate of a perforated ear drum anyday!!


Rheads said...

Glad he's OK!

Julie said...

I had the school nurse tell me that our son had a broken rib this week...he doesn't even have a bruise! They need to just stick to handing out Band-Aids like they're supposed to!! Glad all is well!