Friday, January 22, 2010


I truly had no desire to see AVATAR. Jim, on the otherhand had been dying to see it. Everyone we talked to said we HAD to see it! Even those who shared my non-love of Sci-fi said it was a must see, so for Friday date night, we joined the Moody's (and some friends of theirs), paid the $20 for the IMAX ticket, sat back for 3 hours and were completely entertained! I was surprisingly shocked how much I liked this movie. I guess there is a reason it has made over a billion dollars.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Urgh. I've been resisting Avatar. My brother told me I was being "ridiculous" when I said I wasn't interested in seeing it. Three separate people have likened it to "Dances With Wolves." They call it an epic. I still skeptical...