Wednesday, December 22, 2010

three hundred fifty-six: 365

Southern California has been getting slammed with the hardest rain I've seen in a long time! It has been relentless, but today, for about 3 minutes, the rain subsided and the sun shone brightly creating this beautiful rainbow! I had to have a picture..even if it meant I kinda was all over the road, which ironically the entire time a police officer was behind me and I didn't even notice until the lights started flashing. By this point the rain was back, but he got out anyway and asked if I was in a hurry to go shopping because I was going 60 in a 45? I said, No, just a couple errands. I happen to be driving Jim's car today because I had to take it to get brakes and I explained to the officer that if I was going a little fast, it was because I wasn't use to driving this car. Then I proceeded to explain how I had to have a picture of that rainbow for my potd. I showed him the shot I took and he concurred that it was in fact, a beautiful rainbow after all this rain. He told me to slow down and be careful and have a merry christmas!! I guess there was a little luck at the end of the rainbow!!

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