Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 38

Wasn't quite sure what to expect when I learned Jayden was signed up to test for the next belt in TaeKwonDo after only a few weeks!  I was so impressed with the organization and process that they used.  I was a little frightened when they told these little kids to go grab a board for their kicking test.  Umm..are you sure about that?  Jayden didn't hesitate, in fact, he was one of the few white belts that broke the board with the first kick!  I was so nervous for him out there, but also so PROUD!  He was gleaming when he received a crystal trophy and 2 stars! (we find out about the belt at class next week!)

1 comment:

Rheads said...

YAY! I am so happy for Jayden!