Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 308

It's Ryder's turn! He had a fever of 104.5 and it wouldn't break even with motrin so Jim insisted that I take him to the ER. I was all for waiting it out at home but Jim was too worried. By the time we got there, his fever was at a mild 100. I was a little peeved, not that his temp. had broken, but that I was sitting there! Jim joined us only to sit with us for 3 hours! Mind you, I am feeling like CRAP {I've got it too} and was very irritable. I finally got up to ask them how much longer. They hadn't called anyone back in the entire 3 hours and they told me I was 4th on the list. Ticked off, I told them to take us off the list, we were going home! Our neighbor had already written us a prescription for Tami-Flu so I didn't know what more they could do for us. It was a colossal waste of time and energy!

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