Sunday, July 10, 2011

191: our last hours in st. louis

Day 9:
Today we are flying home! We've had a wonderful trip, but are so ready to go home. The heat was near unbearable those last couple of days with temperatures ranging from 95-100 with 90+% humidity. It felt like a wet furnace..if there is such a thing. How people live in this is beyond me!
The roof terrace of the Hyatt. It was so humid and hot outside that the lens on my camera kept fogging up every time I'd try to take a picture..and it was only 10:00 a.m. 
This is the last arch picture you will have to see.
 St. Louis Temple

Before heading to the airport, we wanted to check out the grounds of the St. Louis temple. We could really only handle 5 minutes outside of our very cold, air conditioned car. The heat was stifling. We couldn't wait to get home to our nice dry heat! If I'm going to deal with humidity, I want to deal with it in Hawaii!
After a long flight {with a stop in Albuquerque}, we were finally home. I almost needed a sweater with how cool San Diego was that evening. It was a nice welcome home!

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