Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 60: the {+1}

i saw this random field (behind rubios) and had to pull
over and take a picture of these gorgeous wild flowers.


Theresa said...

Beautiful! The rain has brought all kinds of beautiful stuff. Last Sunday we were driving down the 241 to KT's parent's when Kate looked up and asked if we were driving a different way... it looked different to her. It was because all the hills were GREEN (instead of the regular brown) and there were sprinklings of wildflowers.

Julie said...

I almost pulled over on the side of the freeway to take a picture of the wild flowers, too. They're gorgeous!

Nichole said...

You guys are so lucky that you are already seeing GREEN and FLOWERS! Now that the snow has melted we are starting to see some green grass (more like brown with a hint of green!) I am counting down the days!

Ahhh you are so lucky to have basked in the sun and sandy beaches of Hawaii! I am sooo jealous. I wish I was there right now! We are not going to Maui until April and it seems like forever away. I just can't wait. I am looking forward to some warmth!