Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 240

My day was going great until this!!  I still don't know the whole story but apparently Ryder and Jayden were jumping off the couch and collided in the air.  I didn't notice the teeth at first, just all the blood spewing from his lip.  So we immediately ran to the pediatric dentist only to learn that he, in fact, broke the roots of both his top teeth and they were both loose, but not loose enough that they would just fall out.  So we get to watch them for 1 week and then reassess if they need to be pulled.  My poor little baby can't be without teeth for 3-4 years.  Do they do cosmetic dentistry that young?  Is that totally vain of me?  Honestly, I'm surprised it took us this long to have an accident like this with the way my boys play together!!


Theresa said...

ACK! When I first logged on to your page I thought I had made a mistake and was on John's page. Ewww!! That looks like it hurt! Poor little dude. Hopefully they won't need to pull them.

Anonymous said...

I thought Scott's was bad. At least he is 6 and is supposed to lose teeth at this point. Poor Ryder - no apples for that boy for a while.

Debbie said...

yikes!!! i have the hardest time looking at things like that. poor ryder!

i think we are on lesson 33. jim will have fun with that class, they are so easy.

Rachel said...

Im with Theresa, that definitely belongs on johns page, if they dont pull them you better hope they set straight!

Sharon said...

I've had two kids with major dental problems by the age of 2!! One had her front teeth pulled and they put in two fake teeth! She looked great! Tell Ryder we're thinking of him!

miner6to1 said...

My front teeth were knocked out after the permanent ones came in.(By my brother of course) Baby is definitely better to lose.

Tanya said...

Aaghh!!! You need to have a warning on this page for us squeamish folk. I was going to say to talk to Sharon, but I see she's already commented. Poor Ryder!