Thursday, August 18, 2011

230: risky business

 I'm all about saving a buck! When Jenn told me she was going to hire an electrician to hang my old dining room fixture above her stairs, I told her, absolutely not! I can do it! It's not hard at all. That is, if you have a ladder, which we didn't!
The first picture doesn't look so can see I'm pushing my head against the ceiling for balance.

Then as you look down to the next picture...
You realize that I was balancing myself on this balance beam of a ledge with a 12-13 ft. drop in front of me. No biggie, right! Yes..I was sweating, but as you can see, the light is hung and it actually works and it only took about 20 minutes and several rests because my arms were getting so tired! Not bad for a couple of girls!


TT said...

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, knowing you're also the one on top of your house at Christmastime hanging your lights.

marie said...

YOU ARE CRAZY!!! Oh my gosh Dyana, I would never in a million years attempt that, I wouldn't even know where to start. If you and Glenn teamed up you could fix up every home in Temecula.