Friday, July 27, 2012

208: olympics opening ceremony party

Jim tells me Thursday that he wants to have an Olympics party. Sure..1 day should be plenty to throw something together..especially when I have all these long window appointments and can't get out to go shopping for food. I texted some friends and threw out the invite! It's amazing how last minute parties tend to be the best. You don't have much time to worry about it or over plan. 
After the window repairman came {at 1:00, an hour outside the window of 8-12} I rushed to pick up some food and goodies for the party. I had made some decorations..since I was forced to be at home. Quickly cleaned up the house and we were set!
We had a great group show up! I even pulled out my stash of fireworks..this seemed like a perfect time to use them. I was so impressed with my girls! I had a vision of the olympic rings in sparkler..and they made it come to pass! Pretty awesome if I do say so myself!
Go Team USA!!

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