Thursday, May 24, 2012

144: the life of low carb

I've been feeling a little blah lately so I decided to try what Jim's been doing..low carbs. I'm the last person in the entire world that thought I could follow through with this. I love my sourdough toast and cereal in the morning.  I think I miss that more than candy! These are just a few samplings of things I've been eating. It's terribly boring and plain, but I'm finding ways to liven it up. It's not a lot of fun, but I'm looking forward to my first cheat day! Watch out world..they'll be no stopping me!

{6 days you eat no sugar, no fruit, no dairy, no rice, no pasta, no breads..a lot of NO's! But 1 day, you get a cheat day and you can eat whatever you want and however much you'd like. There's a science to this! Cheat day is like Christmas morning to a kid..INCREDIBLE..with no guilt}

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