Sunday, January 15, 2012

15: lost dog

Late afternoon on Saturday Skyler found this dog. It had a collar but no name tag. It was love at first sight. He even named her: SADIE. I told him that he needed to take her out into the neighborhood to see if anyone was looking for her. He attached a rope and took her for a walk with no luck. It was getting dark so we decided she would stay the nigh in the backyard. Skyler went next door and borrowed some dog food. The boys were instantly attached and told me that "the law is, if the owner doesn't claim her in 2 weeks, we get to keep her." I'm not sure I've ever heard that law before..nice try boys. I told them that after church we would take her to the vet to see if she had a microchip installed. I tried to explain to the boys that the owners were probably heart broken about losing such a pretty dog. Their response, "No..if they loved her so much they wouldn't have let her out!" Their viewpoint was quite one sided. They begged us to let her sleep inside because it was so cold, but we stood our ground! First thing in the morning, they ran downstairs to see her and play with her. During church, Jim had to run home and get something. He saw a very distraught woman, crying and posting a flyer on the mailbox. He pulled over to see if everything was alright..he's a good guy..fighting back tears, she informed him that they had lost their dog, a dog that had been in their family for years. Jim immediately informed her that the boys had found the dog and we had her in our backyard. She was so relieved and overjoyed. They went to go get her. Jim told her that the boys had named her Sadie and she was flabbergasted! Her actual name was in fact, Sadie! It was as if it was meant to be. The boys were in tears when we told them, but later that afternoon, the women came back to our house and gave each boy $10 and a huge bag of candy for taking such good care of Sadie! The $ helped ease their broken hearts, but their yearning for a dog has only intensified from this experience!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this ! I can really imagine the "mixed feelings" and to think of the name Sadie is really special because that was our dog's name that lived for 13 years.
Love to all , , , ,