Monday, January 14, 2013

14: carefully?

I do not live in Southern California to receive such messages on my car!! Who knew this message even existed? I didn't until today! 
Ahhh..the cell phone story. 
Today in seminary one of my students thought it would be funny to take my phone. Mind you, I already feel like I'm losing my mind a little bit, so when I couldn't find it and was frantically looking everywhere for it, sadly, I could only come to one conclusion..someone took it! Not a conclusion I made quickly! I searched the classroom, the library, my cupboards, my car..even though I knew it was on our table for the opening hymn. Finally, I had to give up and get home to get the kids to school {as it was late start Monday}. I was so frustrated and mad. Sadly, my phone has my life in it.  My calendar, my contacts, my email. Just before taking the kids to school, I got a call from one of my students informing me what had happened and that another student had taken it and then pawned it off on another. All I felt was relief. Once I realized who it was and talked to their parents, I felt much better.  The individual came over later that afternoon and apologized. Having had that cool down time, I was able to use it as a teaching moment. We're studying the New Testament and Jesus' teachings.  He taught forgiveness and that's what I did.  I told him that I truly appreciated him coming over..that took courage. What's done is done and forever in the past!  I will remember it no more!

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