Wednesday, October 19, 2011

292: moles!

I guess I have my dad to thank for my wonderful moley skin {or the years of careless suntanning..I'll stick with my dad, therefore taking away any personal responsibility}. This is a picture of my upper right thigh. I have had one particular mole removed 2 times, but it keeps growing back. The dermatologist doesn't like it and wants it removed once again, this time he sent me to a plastic surgeon. She drew 3 possible solutions. The first is out of the question {the largest eye shape about 3 inches}. Next, was to just cut out the original scar, but deeper. The last was to cut just outside the stitch marks of the last removal. Anyway you look at it, I'm going to have one nasty looking scar and believe it or not, they want to put me out for the procedure! Look at what great things I have to look forward to!

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