Tuesday, December 13, 2011

347: curse you cookies!

As if my life weren't hectic enough, I was invited to a cookie exchange party. While talking to another friend about it, it was brought to my attention that I had read the invitation wrong. I think she wondered why I was so calm. I thought we only had to bring 1 dozen cookies. I was informed that it was 11 DOZEN!
My calmness quickly turned to panic. First of all, I'm not really a baker. I don't bake for fun, I only bake when I have to. Second, we were having the missionaries for dinner so I wouldn't be able to start baking until after 8! Third, they were to be nicely wrapped and I didn't have any supplies, nor the time to get any. So off to Wal-mart I went for last minute supplies. I didn't get started till 8:30 p.m. I was a baking fool. Things were going pretty steady. I baked while watching Fear Factor. By about 12:30 a.m. I was almost done! As I pulled my last 2 dozen out of the oven, I quickly realized there was a hole in the pot holder I picked up and I dropped them all on the floor! I was nearly in tears at this point! Exhausted, I whipped together another batch hoping it would make 2 dozen. It did! Then I had to start wrapping them. I didn't do anything terribly elaborate but it still took a lot of time. I didn't get to bed till 2:00 a.m. and by that point I never wanted to see another cookie in my life!

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