Saturday, June 16, 2012

167: cheat day

1 month ago, I decided to test my will power and try out Jim's 4 hour diet. He has had phenomenal results with it.  Basically you cut out anything good: pasta, rice, bread, sugar, fruit, dairy for 6 days. 1 day a week you get a cheat day and you can eat anything and everything you want! The cheat day is part of the science. Everyone I know who has tried it has had success..everyone that is, but ME! 
I have been so strict and followed this diet to a "T"! I made cupcakes and frosted them and didn't even lick my fingers.  I watched the boys eat all sorts of candy and I withstood! I didn't notice any amazing health changes like Jim did {I never had indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux to begin with}. I did notice I had a little bit more energy around 3-4:00 p.m. and didn't have that sugar crash. I have never owned a scale in my life, until I started this diet. I couldn't wait to stand on it after my trip to see how much I had lost, considering I hadn't eaten hardly anything. To my utter shock, in 1 month, after cutting out all the bad stuff, I have only lost 2 pounds! I feel frustrated and disappointed. It seriously depressed me to think of all the things I've been depriving myself of for ONLY 2 POUNDS! Not worth it! Saturday is my cheat day and I went big! I topped off the day, around 9:00 p.m. with a visit to Rite Aid! It made me so happy to enjoy this simple concoction of sugar and milk!
I'm pretty much done with the 4 hour diet. I believe moderation is the key! Plus, after doing some research, I have found that a low-carb, high protein diet will actually do more harm than good for me and my kidney disease. body was protesting! Maybe I won't have 2 heaping bowls of sugar cereal with sourdough toast for breakfast, but I won't live on celery and peanut butter either!!

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